Monday, May 31, 2010

Baycraft Flats Boats Reviews

Kodak Cinema

For those who are still behind to shoot on film, Kodak has developed a new version of Cinema Tool for iPhone, which can be downloaded free from the iTunes App Store.

The program can calculate through the relationships between: film formats, diaphragms, focal lengths, distances subjective values \u200b\u200bfar away, the hyperfocal distance, circles of confusion. The results can be displayed in both meters and feet and the calculations can be made between each combination of variables.
For more details and to download it, visit this link .
Already we are talking about Kodak, we also remember his facebook page.

Smashbox Vs. Makeup Forever Foundation

V2 Tool Cordless LED!

The Italian company Ianiro launches LED lamp that is powered with batteries to attack V-Lock, from 90Wh to 190Wh.
efferrivo consumption of the lamp is 54W and, for comparison, the brightness of this lamp that produces a crystal is about 1KW.
Imagine when you need to light up an old house that continually miss the light, you can enjoy the cool and pull out your "Wireless Ianiled 54"!

- Patrick Botticchio -

Monday, May 17, 2010

Why Are My Breasts Asymmetrical


And after House, but the True Blood series will be shot with two Canon 5D, mounting rigs in the Red Rock Micro. It's amazing how rich a production like that of HBO has chosen to shoot herself with the now famous camera ... this is not speculation, but just an aesthetic choice that has no technical limitations. Fortunately, the quality films do not do this' only technical, but with lots and lots, lots of creativity! Otherwise we'd be all out of work!
Meanwhile, I leave you with the last chapter of House trailer, shot each other with the 5D.

- Patrick Botticchio -

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Catchy Phrases For Bachelorette Parties


Since the 5D is on the market, seems to be born at the same time, the assistance of the rig as deficient or at least the most absurd. Among the various "freakkerie" we can find for example Norbert! There is no need to dwell too long on the name, that same house that created the K-Tek, played in advance and we proposed the slogan: "Meet Norbert" ... Among other things, not so much better than could be expected from a manufacturer who, I understand, it was always just concentrated on building boom for audio.

This gadget should be given the opportunity to hook everything you want to frame and operate safely and comfortably with two hands ... I'm really curious to see if the engineer K-Tek has proven his "thing" and how long it is able to operate before the crumbling wrists! Or maybe you have to remember that shooting with a photographic camera does not mean 100 grams of room e. .. olè!
Oh well, welcome to you too Norbert in the absurd world of DSLR rig to see to open your your minute space but they have not even afraid of dying soon ...

If you want to learn the Norbert here is the link to his minischeda

- Patrick Botticchio -

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Beginning Stage Of Chicken Px On A Baby

Just married!

Hello everyone, I wanted first to thank the whole team for the gift received, then thank the President for attending the Captain + "my" day of celebration!

:-) Thank you, thank you, thank you all! See you soon ... die

"Take a bike and ride your life"