Thursday, September 30, 2010

Snowboarding For A Runner

Stooges 156. Vote the thickest shot (Chamber of Deputies

Vote who shot the biggest
(Chamber of Deputies, 29 September 2010)

Vote also you to decide what is the str § รง% * ta thickest shot Silvio. And if you have to add that I have escaped me, I'll speed if necessary.

  • My own personal nature leads me to seek the agreement
  • We believe that our government in these three years has worked hard and with positive results
  • In Parliament always have the right to be discussed the reasons for the minority
  • I never tried to "buy" the Members ricandidatura promising them. "It is truly ironic that when some of the MPs elected in the ranks of the PDL changes in other parties is ethically and aesthetically plaudibile valid, and the reverse is true when we are talking about transfers, it really is unacceptable and paradoxical
  • by 2013 will over the Salerno-Reggio Calabria
  • Putting people and upholding the values \u200b\u200bof life are a fundamental axis of orientation of the government
  • We avoided the mass layoffs and protect the workers most affected
  • There unprepared for the crisis we are made to find
  • Even starting with enormous difficulties, we have also appreciated the measures taken at international level. The system has held up well
  • The government has supported a positive reality without increasing the deficit: Italy was in need of discipline and responsibility. We did this by keeping the accounts in order
  • We have not found in the situations of other countries who have been exposed to speculation because of the debt
  • extension of the guarantees of social safety nets
  • stability of the European currency : Italy has played a decisive role
  • The list of successful executive: the fight against organized crime, emergencies and crisis management company, digitization, university reforms, reform of public utilities, the abolition of the ICI, pension reform
  • companies have been accompanied in the international markets, creating new opportunities
  • Resumption of US-Russia relations
  • United Nations: the defense of life and freedom of expression rights of women
  • Fiscal Federalism: it will be a benefit to all areas, especially in the south
  • Federalism improves the reasons to stay together in a national community
  • The principle of subsidiarity must be fully implemented in Italy. Means to grow together
  • Wherever federalism was made to benefit the least advantaged areas Sonos nannies. Implement federalism means helping the state. The examples of Germany and the United States are there to prove
  • Federalism will not lead to any increase for the State
  • will decrease waste and evasion
  • be born new Italy: Italy autonomy, accountability Italy
  • must reduce the tax burden
  • Overcoming the reforms of the 70s
  • Gradual reduction of taxes on work and family research. Especially for single-income families
  • "family quotient" means is already experiencing a number of municipalities
  • Any intervention will be accompanied by a tax on the cost-benefit analysis and appreciation of Europe
  • Reform of civil and digitizing
  • Equality between the prosecution and defense and more guarantee for the defendants
  • Act on the structure of the Superior Council of Magistracy. How? With the separation of careers, the criminal liability for the judiciary
  • The nine million are pending court to remove a boulder. Smalitire the pending civil
  • postponed an increase of more resources increases to justice
  • We now have more effective anti-mafia legislation in the world. Why so many blows to the Mafia and organized crime
  • In two years four months have been the Mafia seized property and assets for 16 billion of €
  • arrested 27 of the 30 most dangerous fugitives
  • Synergy with the executive by the police, who gave the idea that "there is a great power called the State"
  • We intend to continue unabated, by allocating a single Fund of the Ministry of Interior and Justice to the Justice
  • Extension of the crime of mafia association
  • Prohibition of participation in public tenders to contractors who do not denounce extortion
  • Feels safer
  • against illegal immigration big results: -88% of illegal landings
  • The South needs rules and infrastructure. The plan for the South must meet these requirements
  • From 2002 to 2009 tripled assistance in Southern
  • The liberation of the South by organized crime is the pillar to create the development
  • For n addition to taxes div ENEFITS South, there are measures to combat undeclared work
  • Numerous audits of labor inspectors, concentrated in Campania, Calabria, Puglia, Sicilia
  • a government after the elections, a government may be faced with new problems, and then clicked again. Up new problems and not 'ruled out a debate at all. Perhaps to develop a more effective strategy.
  • My personal experience has always been in the pursuit of new solutions.
  • I am convinced that the government's action did not deserve the criticism. Goals but one of the most important things I have set myself is to unite all moderate
  • Combine the Italian company, bring it all together towards a better future
  • Who gave life to the people of the freedom he did to unite, and not to divide
  • people want to see the forces that work together to overcome the crisis
  • Multiply the joint commitment by government action more effective
  • Implementing the presented Italians
  • ready by December of the Strait of Messina Bridge project
  • The government's objective is to reduce the tax burden
  • Italy finally has a starring role on the international scene
  • No one has fought the Mafia as well noiensatene
Pensatene evil, but he remains the greatest: this is pure comedy!

Antonio and the rapist of democracy

Estiqaatsi ... sometimes he wakes up ... but it is not immediately turns away and goes back to sleep?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Aztec Mexican Wrestling Singlet

155. "I know what I want to be great!" part (1 / 5) - Investigations Commissioner

Dear readers, dear readers,

tell me what you want, but there is little, very little to do: also insensitive to the heart of your can - rarely, but it happens - try it an adrenaline rush when he witnesses something that can change his life when he realizes what it will do great. And yes, because I decided what I'm doing great!

22 to 23 May 2010 Turin

How big Ale warned us, this time we expect a national stage, but I say 'national'? International!

My fellow commissioners are excited, they seem a little grown-up children, in particular Ale, given its size, even if he persists in saying it is all of the air muscle and released, and I could believe him, because every now and let 'go' a bit 'of that air, unfortunately also in the car.

To replenish the ranks of big Al has also convened four commissioners, Vigevano, arriving with all the official uniform of their motorcycle clubs.

Since their appearance do not hide their soul fiercely Valley and swear that they are all enrolled in the Northern League. To me it leaves quite indifferent, all in all I think they parachuted in San Salvario folk, the little casbah subalpine and I enjoy their surprise when they realize that we're probably the only white people in the neighborhood.

Last to join and Francis I, looking more upset than ever. Fra 'are friendly to her and tries to make friends with new colleagues.

Well, maybe I had forgotten (note that advancing age has a devastating effect) to tell you that Fra 'is Sicilian, Sicilian definitely not only in somatic contacts, but also in accent .

see him in the midst of the 'proud' that if Po devour it with his eyes Among the 'in the hope that we get distracted by garrote, stab him, break his legs but only after having stuck a dagger in the kneecaps, pulling out the fingernails , cover it with molasses and pass it through the fire ants, now pitch toes with high heels, trampling, kicking and punching her heart.

The whiteness of Fra 'is only surpassed by his ignorance of the risk she is running, as if the lamb entered the lair of the wolf or as the man who asks his beloved to marry him!

The day promises to be one of the hot Sahara desert and the hot Australian model: it is 7 am, and we estimate there are at least 40 ° to 'shadow.

When the caravan arrives at the Oval Lingotto understand now that this is something serious.

a kilometer from the entrance of the track we are stopped by 3posti blocco3 to order: 1. slow speed, 2. control documents, 3. release of the cuff that we certify as the marshals.

last checkpoint we are told not to lose in any way the bracelet of wax paper, unspecified sanctions corporal punishment and even moral and mortifying, like singing out loud "Thank goodness for Silvio!" in front of a home of Lotta Continua.

The fact is that we are s'iimagina at the end of the first day, dirty and sweaty (note: more than usual) and one wonders what will happen in the shower. The only worry is not I who sentenced Francis: "Chemmifrega? I do the shower the first day of the month! ": if there had to be invented this guy!

The race officials are looking at us from Viareggio in Tuscany between amazed and perplexed, we were not even a copy botched dell'Arma Brancaleone. Indeed we are a company not very well matched, whereas aotre to 'proud' Po the band recorded a new entry : maximum.


is NOT a story of pure invention.
In the story you refer to facts and real people.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Program Of Anniversary For The Church

"THE Zacuto's Throw Away" by M. Bonito

Fresh daily fresh and still warm this news reaches me that thanks to my friend DOP Michael Bonito, who found this video on youtube of the presentation of a Red Rock Micro wievfinder HDSLR much room for intriguing! Especially because it no longer relies sull'ingrandimento through a lens of the camera viewer, but is presented as a separate part, a loupe adjustable for comfortable viewing, without limitation, since with wievfinder that there were far, persisted the obligation to stick your eye up to the viewer of the room ...
The only thing that worries me is that because the new Loupe image goes fishing Room rates through the HDMI cable, which means that if we want to attack both the monitor and wievfinder we can no longer do so??
Saludos ...

- Patrick Botticchio -

Friday, September 24, 2010

Everyday Minerals Local Store

Stooges 154. "10 Strategies Handling of the "through the mass media.

The linguist Noam Chomsky has drawn up a list of "10 Strategies of manipulation" by the mass media.

1 - The strategy of distraction.

The main element of social control is the distraction of the strategy is to divert public attention from important issues and changes agreed by the political and economic elites using the technique the flood or the flood of distractions and continuous information insignificanti.La strategy of distraction is also essential to prevent the public interest in the essential knowledge in science, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics. "Divert public attention from real social problems, keep imprigionatada issues without real importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy, without giving him time to think, always returning to the farm as other animals (cited in the text "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars").

2 - Create the problem and then offer the solution.

This method is also called "problem - reaction - solution." This creates a problem, a "situation" that will produce a certain reaction in the public so that this is the reason of the measures that you wish to accept. For example: let a spill-or step up urban violence, or to organize bloody attacks to ensure that the public is to require security laws and policies at the expense of freedom. Or, create an economic crisis as a necessary evil in order to accept the reduction and dismantling of social rights of public services.

3 - The strategy of gradualism.

To accept an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually dropped to a trickle for a while 'for consecutive years. This is the way in which social and economic conditions radically new (neoliberal) were imposed in the '80s and '90s: an idle state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, mass unemployment, wages can no longer ensure decent incomes, so many changes that have caused a revolution if they had been applied only once.

4 - The strategy of delay.

Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary" at that time gaining the consent of the people for future application. It 's easier to accept a sacrifice of the immediate future. First, because the effort must not be done immediately. Second, because the people, the mass, always has a tendency to naively hope that "everything will be better tomorrow" and that the sacrifice required may be avoided. This will give people more time to get used the idea of \u200b\u200bchange and accept it with resignation when the time comes.

5 - Consult the people as children.

The majority of direct use to the public discourse, topics, characters, and a pitch particularly for children, often in a weak voice, as if the viewer were a creature of few years or a moron. The more you try to deceive the viewer, the more they tend to use a childish tone. Why? "If someone is addressing a person as if it had 12 years or less, then, due to suggestibility, this probably will tend to a response or a reaction to uncritical as that of a person 12 years or less (see "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars").

6 - Use the emotional aspect of much reflection .

Harnessing emotion has a classic technique to cause a short circuit rational analysis and, finally, the critical sense of the individual. In addition, the use of emotional tone opens the door to the unconscious to implant or inject ideas, desires, fears and fears, compulsions, or to induce behavior ....

7 - Keep the people in ignorance and mediocrity.

Ensure that people are incapable of understanding the techniques and methods for its control and its slavery. "The quality of education given to the lower classes must be the poor and mediocre as possible so that the gap created by ignorance among the lower classes and upper classes is and remains impossible to be filled by inferior "(see" Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ").

8 - Encourage the public to be in favor of mediocrity.

push the public to believe that it is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and ignorant ...

9 - Strengthening the sense of guilt.

Pretend individual to be solely responsible for their misfortunes on him because of insufficient intelligence , skill or effort. In this way, instead of rebelling against the economic system, the individual devalued self and feels guilty, which in turn creates a state of depression, one of whose effects is the inhibition to act. And without action, there is no revolution!

10 - Getting to know people better than you know it.

50'anni In recent, rapid advances in science have created a growing gap between the knowledge of people and those they enjoy and use the ruling elites. Thanks to the biology, neurobiology and applied psychology, the "system" could benefit from an advanced understanding of the human being is physically and psychically. The system was able to meet the individual shared much better than he knows himself. This means that, in most cases, the system exerts greater control and more power over people, far greater than what people carry on itself.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tooth Pulled With Little White Dots

LUMIX DMC-GH2, 3D glasses, swivel display and much more! GoPro

is currently the Photokina 2010, which is introducing various innovations in photography and image, including a new Panasonic : the Lumix GH2!
HDSLR is a sensor that has a micro 4 / 3 Live MOS 16.05 megapixels, which has been combined with the new Venus Engine image processor and the material is coupons stored on SD, SDHC, SDXC.
But what is more interesting to blog about this audio-visual, is the fact that the new Lumix records video at full HD resolution of 1920x1080 at 25p/24p or 50p/60p2 to 24Mbps and that throws off the signal output via mini HDMI . Now we know that the 5D Mark II is no longer alone on the market and that competitors are growing.
On the other hand, it is also true that you can not bring out every time he releases a new HDSLR, were it not for the fact that the Lumix GH2 brings us two good news: the first concerns especially those who use their room to shoot video, because it is something that has always been much discussed and criticized, since until now had never been taken into account, the Panasonic has finally seen fit to make a folding screen / swivel, so you can see, although with certain limits of size, at least one screen to handle the shot.

The other big news that carries the Panasonic through this room, is the possibility to take still photos in 3D. This was made possible through a lens, clearly interchangeable, created for the machine in question which, thanks to its architecture, provides this feature so far never been seen on machines HDSLR and without the aid of two CCD sensors. It is a 12.5mm lens Lumix G / F12. According

the official press release from Panasonic, the Lumix GH2 will be available starting in December with a price set at 899.95 U.S. dollars for the body.

- Patrick Botticchio -

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ontario Using A Fake Id

PRESS PHOTO - AWARDS - 3 PROVINCES - Donate to the circuit LANZO

Hello guys, the photos were included in the article on the race Lanzo Intelvi ... at the end after you have read all !!!... you should find the pictures taken during the awards show.
bad for Simon Flower and 'had to flee before ... I would have done too, was waiting for him to imagine that only Porlezza a barbecue .. in fact I think I still feel the smell .. The next year, let us agree, and with good weather, the whole team (even just me ..) Porlezza after the race comes down to it ... .. gnamgnamgnam!
A short article on a singlespeed Italian Championship, held at that now legendary circuit of Le Manie in Finale Ligure. circuit that next year we will see stars of a memorable 24H! look material recovery hangover from our post. young scouts sent by now ... time ... in a single entity PanniGotti
e.. over and out from Varigotti

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chest Pain Right Arm Numb

153. Stooges Commissioner and sea lion (Part 3 / 3) - Investigations Commissioner

There I wish I could say that these two days have been accompanied by a smiling sun and a cool breeze, the chirping of birds and mounted with a few clouds as cream ambled to move across the sky, but it is not: there was a time of shit!

Among warm-up , free practice, qualifying, qualifying, testing a little less official, final A, B final, final C and so on and on and so could, in the end these two days and is all slip away 'dusk on the second day that brings out the Liala 100euro100 cadasette, not without his face is crossed by a few tears, not for our dedication to the emotion-as the most naive among you might naively imagine - but did so under pressure to separate from pecunia that she holds so dear as a mother holds her children!

On the other hand is now known to us all (note: we obviously Commissioners) Lilia that always pays the conclusion of the race days (note: and if two days are at the end of the second) a little 'because it is so safe that there are no deserters, a bit' - and especially - because at heart his hopes that some commissioners are invested, should die for the cold, frost, sunburn, ...

of eating, well, better not think about it: I can already hear back heartburn!

Before returning to the metropolis Savoy Ale brings us together for a big breaking news: "Ah look, guys, next uichend (note: the charismatic leaders are not required to speak foreign languages) I you to rest, because 22 and May 23 have been called for Motorfest all'OvalLingotto of Turin. "

Under delighted gaze that always lurks behind the dark glasses of my big Ale 6compagni6 rejoice: someone pulls confetti, streamers who, Francis I - who else could - launches rauda and firecrackers. In the end, an impromptu party and the party train!

I approach a big ask and Ale:

"Big, chesarebbe'stoMotorfestivalle?".

He said "Ah, look ... you know ... after the successful edition of the Turin Motor Fest 2009 (more than 20,000 visitors), the capital of Piedmont will be back for 2010.

The 2010 edition will take place at 'Oval in Turin, a very modern legacy of the Winter Olympics of 2006, May 22 to 23, with 120,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor surfaces, propose a great festival for motorcycle enthusiasts.

numerous initiatives planned for this year:
- European Championship Supercross
- Mini Bike MX
European Championship - Freestyle Motocross indoor
- Area Motorcycle road tests motorcycle
- Area
evidence Cars - Exhibition Area
Area Driving School - Meets
- Children
Area - Area BMX freestyle
- Hobby Sport (off-road minicross)

And these do not find info on Wikipedia ... I thought I had not realized that was not your bag of flour one shot on motorcyclists? Anyway ... good: the others have been noticed and, perhaps, but perhaps now beginning to be sympathetic to them even a piccolopoco ... bah, who understands them? ".

indeed beginning to think that Big Al will never cease to amaze me, if only because I was not disgraced in front of colleagues. I understood little, to say nothing of what he said, but I trust word for it.

What is more closed with: "Ah, look, the hurry to come back with me and Anna ...".

's an honor that I almost commovuove and I can hardly hold back my tears a big Satan Ale starts Starmie ... nice!

us away from the go-kart track before the awards ceremony to award the new tables red (note: the program provides you dare, but do not expect tell you what it is because I have not yet understood, but I sleep very well, so ...) and a substantial prize (you can swear that, if it was for us, we would stop!).

During the journey return, with lights that unroll along the road, I understand that there is some possibility that your beginning not to be quite unpleasant in Big Al when he tells me that he and Anna put aside money earned during the weekend with racing bikes to pay for the holidays and that, indeed, he has already managed to buy a wetsuit!

Here, I do not want to care and Readers dear readers, but - as you I explained several times - not just big Ale is very high, but also and above all, his physique is very impressive, thanks to what I suspect be a case of bulimia.

is why, vivid as the imagination of your - I began to imagine with this suit, mask and snorkel and, well, I admit, for me is the closest thing to a sea lion ... that moves along the shoreline!

Hold the rice has not been easy, but I managed to you, but for me, missing too many miles in Turin and I have seen too many documentaries Angel family Nascional Geographic and non able to know what a sea lion when you laugh at him!

And, in any event, laughing at his coach would be an act of treason, many commissioners are nort for much less!

is NOT a story of pure invention.
In the story you refer to facts and real people.

No Hot Water From Moen Bath

Stooges 152. Stooges Commissioner and sea lion (Part 2 / 3) - The investigation of Commissioner Stooges

The Gianluca, radiant, announces that, on occasion, opened the cd, 'dirt' and squeaked between the joy of my fellow commissioner's all a crying out ... "the pudding".

I stand on the sidelines watching so much to me inconceivable, unreasonable and unjustified and enthusiasm, just the voices calms down a moment, wondering "EU, raga, already hated the mess that gave us Liala usually, but even the whole 'mess for a cake that I am, but if it's your own good, and advanced a couple of Christmases ago ...? ". At first I

14 eyes (we are eight, one is me, then 14 eyes, we were in ten would have been pierced by 18 eyes: the accounts you back?) And me up in disbelief, then it seems to those who do sganascia more laughter.

Benigno as only a true leader can do, big freeze all Ale with his look (note: big Ale turns wearing sunglasses all year) and, with a calm gesture of an outstretched arm back to a time calm and order in the police station.

Then, putting his arm around my shoulders knotty, brings me to the window overlooking the bar on the track and, with the serenity and generosity that is characteristic of the strong and righteous, sober and reflective voice says to me "Oh look, you see that ... the bare hill that stands in the midst of that part of dirt track (note: hence the slang name of 'dirt')? ... That's the cake. "

struggling to recover from embarrassing that I had just done in front of colleagues, I try to recover lost some points, and loudly so that everyone can hear me, I come up with a brilliant "EU looks big ... I knew it Benis s s s s s s s s s s imo ... he is this morning everything seemed so serious and silent ... I wanted to snatch a smile ...".

Once again Big Al can not figure out if I'm asshole or not, but like the lion is not devoured by recalling that St. Jerome had removed a thorn from its paw, big Al not forget that I had just paid the bill backward, turning then to the other commissioners closed the curtain with a munificent: "Of course knew it ... I guarantee for him! ".

There is little, very little to do: When Big Al wants to be reassuring, be reassuring to know is why that big Al is a leader, a leader loved by his troops!

To make more 'spectacular' the race, the race director decides, with a stroke of genius, to water the dirt road and the 'cake', hoping that the race motard looks like a real motocross race: The motard have always been jealous and envious of motocross, as Turin is jealous and envious of Milan, it was like Cain and Abel ... Remo Romolo!

The idea could have its own charm, unfortunate that instead of watering the dirt road workers end up flooding the entire area soon became populated by frogs and trout, while the cake seems to have fallen into a cup of coffee.

We commissioners, knowledgeable as we are, but, more importantly, because such carelessness on the edge of credulity will delay the start and most importantly our return home to help the unskilled and inept (note attached to the track) until Big Al does not have an intuition, an illumination that only true leaders can have (note: not for nothing are leaders!): "Oh, hear my faithful ... requisite to all females that are around the circuit towels close and diapers for babies ... if you need all farms raided the neighborhood! .... . Go! ".

A You the idea may seem odd, even stockings, it is true that by dint of buffer (note: do not tell me you would think of a more appropriate verb) the swamp by using the absorbent like sponges the race starts with only a half an hour late and the audience in the stands can only admire and applaud the diligent commissioners honored with a standing ovation .

competitions motorcyclists have, I must admit, are pretty and I let myself be fooled when here comes the second most feared by the marshals (see point previous "The Commissioner catabasi Stooges" ) ... junior competitions!

Now, mind you, is not that children can not ride a bike: ride a bike is a constitutionally guaranteed right! Commissioners I simply could not understand why they are permitted on the track and do not in the living room of their house ... in addition to being safer not to break the most sacred of Commissioners!

You should know that not only are these heads of veal to a slow exaggerated, but, as indeed those few heads, mostly to see junior races starting just two pilots, making it completely unnecessary, not to say useless, incidental, excessive, redundant presence on the track of the wonderful commissioners.

CVD (note: as it turned) at the start you have only two pilots, the first, indeed, has its own dignity, the second is a real insult to the memory of the engineer. Frenchman Louis-Guillaume Perreux (note: who among you not remember that, by filing the patent n.83691 - it was March 16, 1869 - Ing. Is considered the inventor of the bike?).

The trap door, wrapped in a blue suit mo 'the Michelin Man, it's so slow, but so slow that at one point Francis I, a little' more than it takes to run after exasperated by side shouting "But you want to go a bit 'stronger?" , while Gianluca Cecco and intend to push it!

Big Al 'tuba' with Anna, but the suspicion is that I'll take the bag with the sandwich advanced that she keeps in her purse as a reminder for her man. The

your , lazy and indolent than usual, took the opportunity to roll a cigarette.


is NOT a story of pure invention.
In the story you refer to facts and real people.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Wife Wants Me To Wear Her Clothes

View my pleasure to participate in the Endurance, as a supporter to the team, my wife would like to donate a substantial sum to the circuit 24H, in the hope that the Team will participate Lomazzo .....
If confirmed by your comments I tell her to carry your interest! Thanks, Nicola (CCBC alias alias Heidi ... ..)

doubting PS:
at night ... usually do not eat at home .. then you is not 'that's not where I'm' out
... when you see me happy and satisfied with my You know ... back in satisfaction
... I checked the cupboard of the house ... and is not 'crammed BREAD !!!!!!
... the taps at home continue to lose ... (Hydraulic beautiful friends that I have!)
PS recalcitrant
... dear ... President next year (or the year after, and after) when a Fruscella saro ', up will make you to die' .... as already 'down do not see you .... and not just for my tonnage!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why Do People Use Diaper Punishment


The HD camera's smallest and least expensive on the market called GoPro!
is one of those rooms at our latitude was not considered due to that recorded images at 30p. But finally released the update that allows the recording of images at 1080/25p!
Actually a couple of these bedrooms would always have them handy on a set because they allow easy handling and those new points of view that only the new generation of small rooms could finally deliver HD! Look
a couple of videos and enjoy with me! It also played at a price that amounts to $ 260!
For those who already had the room and must update it to 25p, here's the link:

- Patrick Botticchio -