Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chest Pain Right Arm Numb

153. Stooges Commissioner and sea lion (Part 3 / 3) - Investigations Commissioner

There I wish I could say that these two days have been accompanied by a smiling sun and a cool breeze, the chirping of birds and mounted with a few clouds as cream ambled to move across the sky, but it is not: there was a time of shit!

Among warm-up , free practice, qualifying, qualifying, testing a little less official, final A, B final, final C and so on and on and so could, in the end these two days and is all slip away 'dusk on the second day that brings out the Liala 100euro100 cadasette, not without his face is crossed by a few tears, not for our dedication to the emotion-as the most naive among you might naively imagine - but did so under pressure to separate from pecunia that she holds so dear as a mother holds her children!

On the other hand is now known to us all (note: we obviously Commissioners) Lilia that always pays the conclusion of the race days (note: and if two days are at the end of the second) a little 'because it is so safe that there are no deserters, a bit' - and especially - because at heart his hopes that some commissioners are invested, should die for the cold, frost, sunburn, ...

of eating, well, better not think about it: I can already hear back heartburn!

Before returning to the metropolis Savoy Ale brings us together for a big breaking news: "Ah look, guys, next uichend (note: the charismatic leaders are not required to speak foreign languages) I you to rest, because 22 and May 23 have been called for Motorfest all'OvalLingotto of Turin. "

Under delighted gaze that always lurks behind the dark glasses of my big Ale 6compagni6 rejoice: someone pulls confetti, streamers who, Francis I - who else could - launches rauda and firecrackers. In the end, an impromptu party and the party train!

I approach a big ask and Ale:

"Big, chesarebbe'stoMotorfestivalle?".

He said "Ah, look ... you know ... after the successful edition of the Turin Motor Fest 2009 (more than 20,000 visitors), the capital of Piedmont will be back for 2010.

The 2010 edition will take place at 'Oval in Turin, a very modern legacy of the Winter Olympics of 2006, May 22 to 23, with 120,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor surfaces, propose a great festival for motorcycle enthusiasts.

numerous initiatives planned for this year:
- European Championship Supercross
- Mini Bike MX
European Championship - Freestyle Motocross indoor
- Area Motorcycle road tests motorcycle
- Area
evidence Cars - Exhibition Area
Area Driving School - Meets
- Children
Area - Area BMX freestyle
- Hobby Sport (off-road minicross)

And these do not find info on Wikipedia ... I thought I had not realized that was not your bag of flour one shot on motorcyclists? Anyway ... good: the others have been noticed and, perhaps, but perhaps now beginning to be sympathetic to them even a piccolopoco ... bah, who understands them? ".

indeed beginning to think that Big Al will never cease to amaze me, if only because I was not disgraced in front of colleagues. I understood little, to say nothing of what he said, but I trust word for it.

What is more closed with: "Ah, look, the hurry to come back with me and Anna ...".

's an honor that I almost commovuove and I can hardly hold back my tears a big Satan Ale starts Starmie ... nice!

us away from the go-kart track before the awards ceremony to award the new tables red (note: the program provides you dare, but do not expect tell you what it is because I have not yet understood, but I sleep very well, so ...) and a substantial prize (you can swear that, if it was for us, we would stop!).

During the journey return, with lights that unroll along the road, I understand that there is some possibility that your beginning not to be quite unpleasant in Big Al when he tells me that he and Anna put aside money earned during the weekend with racing bikes to pay for the holidays and that, indeed, he has already managed to buy a wetsuit!

Here, I do not want to care and Readers dear readers, but - as you I explained several times - not just big Ale is very high, but also and above all, his physique is very impressive, thanks to what I suspect be a case of bulimia.

is why, vivid as the imagination of your - I began to imagine with this suit, mask and snorkel and, well, I admit, for me is the closest thing to a sea lion ... that moves along the shoreline!

Hold the rice has not been easy, but I managed to you, but for me, missing too many miles in Turin and I have seen too many documentaries Angel family Nascional Geographic and non able to know what a sea lion when you laugh at him!

And, in any event, laughing at his coach would be an act of treason, many commissioners are nort for much less!

is NOT a story of pure invention.
In the story you refer to facts and real people.


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