Thursday, July 29, 2010

Best Gay Cruising Spots In Miami


Farewell pixels on YouTube ... The well-known video portal for us, it offers the ability to upload streaming videos in 4096 x 2304 pixels. There's an example link below, and remember clearly, that if you want to enjoy high quality 4K, you have to click in the box under the video to the right size "original." Eye, however, slow to load the video reminds me of when surfing the internet with my first modem at 56 kbps!

Click here to see an example of a movie in 4K

YouTube - Patrick Botticchio -

Monday, July 19, 2010

Places To Party In Bangalore


I, as usual, to congratulate the President and his Captain, for bringing forward a project, an idea, and that 'lifeblood for the future of mountain biking movement. The

compete as a team, divide the "Fatigue" share "the rest" so as to recharge, and compete together for a good result ... give this type of event a special charm, as well as to run in a night.

And 'one of the few occasions where you go strong ... not just for themselves! And to me, 'already' this fantastic. Each of my pedal stroke would be dedicated to pine, or Three, rather than Ciuffoli, my friends .. unique! (The only one .... that would agree to do endurance with me).

Congratulations to all the "participants" (athletes, athletes, supporters, supporter, from "bear" ... I?) For commitment and profuse sweating. There have been strong emotions, sometimes conflicting, even to fight against fatigue, invisible enemy, but This, in the head and muscles!

The sharing of feelings and a mood "physical" of each, is fundamental ... to give the witness, maybe one more time ', who at that moment you feel better and achieve the best possible result for the whole team!

GREAT GREAT GREAT: F. Insert - tireless, surely to be run in pairs, reliable Sergio TP - aggressive and methodical in the rest, determination to sell; R. FERRI - fast performance - from team A, although this can ' .. not .. count; S. FLOWER - fast, available, never a complaint, similterminator, jump, and scoured by ... bullshit!, P. Montini - unique resource - the Valentino Rossi's bike, ride more 'fast after 12 hours in the final Mastearo - a motorcycle, media and constantly frightened, without you can not 'do anything good, heart ... and the whole family closer ... WONDERFUL!; Rigamonti Diego Nelson - athlete, supporter, is organizing and runs, runs and organizes, rearranges and has, without a guy like this ... learn MEN!, C. CLERICI ... no comment! The Intouchable .. .. after the Dolomites a myth that lives on a night where his knee, seemed one of the panettone in the circuit to overcome .. I say no comment!, M. Verga The Flash ... a name ... faithful companion (a Cannondale, slim and light ... from intercourse at night) that even in the rest would come off, I saw with my eyes still lying on the ground with the pedals and shoes included attacks, always positive!, D. Mattioli ... I expect more 'cha ever stronger for next season, a presence, even if there is only the initial' was! COURAGE; OTHER .... boh, who is missing, but maybe. .. yes but 'no? Do a little, 'You deal ... 24-24h, always .. always .. always!

Thank you, 'cause every time, awakened a passion, never dormant, and a desire to run, maybe this side' and the ', and to be there, loud and clear, without having a goal to reach and exceed .. ..