E 'was a difficult choice, because in that chair Silvio could not do any sit: in dance, in addition to the economic crisis, we have a contract with RAI, the digital Earth, the Sky-RAI-Mediaset relationship with the risk of the crisis of governance around the corner.
But in the end, he found the right man!
E 'Paolo Romani, is not an upstart media, and it would be wrong to think that behind his actions there is only quell'arretratezza cultural nature of many other members of the center. On the contrary, the man put Berlusconi on the government to defend the interests of Mediaset in relation to any form of competition - from Sky to the web - has a profound understanding of the economic mechanisms behind each model of audiovisual consumption, from the audience to advertising.
Do not believe me?
involved in politics before the Romans was a 'brilliant' publisher of local television:
installed in 1974 TVL Broadcasting Freedom (formerly Telelivorno with Marco Taradash), the second private television channel in Italy .
From 1976 to 1985 he was general manager of the TV "Network" (formerly MilanoTv and Canale51) with the publisher Alberto Peruzzo;
After the experience of Millecanali, from 1986 to 1990 was CEO of "Telelombardia", called by Salvatore Ligresti (that "Salvatore Ligresti.
The mandate of the property is simple: the so-called Socialist-led Milan to drink - on which Ligresti has huge real estate interests - you have a television station that advertises any time of day achievements in the city of the PSI and Paul Pillitteri His city planning commissioner, Attilio Schemmari (years later both end up in San Vittore and
be convicted of bribery, while the same Ligresti patteggerà two years and four months for corruption). So on a 2 Bordoni, where the issuer is located, the Romans called two young journalists socialist area, Biagio Longo (director) and Darius Carey (editor): The news is an ode to seamlessly Craxi and his men, interviews with Pillitteri alternate with those Schemmari, without neglecting the other poppies Carnation Milanese, Walter Armanini the rampant Mario Chiesa , getting video services for four or five minutes each time that his Pio Albergo Trivulzio inaugurates a new room. But the role of the Romans did not end there: among its tasks is to finance the lover of Craxi, Anja Pieroni, to which the secretary of the Socialist Party got a local television station in Rome, Gbr. How does the mechanism? Very simple: when the former actress in need of money they claim to Bettino, them Ligresti asked his friend, who in turn instructs the Romans to buy a bit 'of programs produced by Gbr, no matter how good or bad, whether or not the public interest in and around Milan. So the audience or Como in Milan, amazed, when you zap on Telelombardia find new insights into the mysterious Garbatella shops or on the arrival of spring in the hill Fleming.
- According to the official biography of the Ministry, the Romans " in the same period is also a war correspondent, especially following the Romanian revolution of 1989, the war in former Yugoslavia and the conflicts in Iraq and Iran ... In short, a minister ready for any battle!
From 1990 to 1994 directed Lombardia7 Romans, with which you experience on his own. TV 7 Lombardia is configured as private by the strong presence of porn programs. The most successful program of the channel was "private vices and public virtue," led trans Maurizia Paradiso, and connected to the hot line 144 and 166, described as "pure entertainment for adults, with interesting implications for economic
is the 'beginning of a brilliant career that brought him to the presidency of the House Telecommunications Committee, and then - in 2008 - the seat of deputy minister of Economic Development with responsibility for Communications: where, quite oblivious of his past as a pornographer, is coming to propose the establishment of a system operated by the ministry to alert parents via SMS in case anyone at home surfing the internet on sites red lights.
But, apart from SMS, it is clear that the appointment to the Communications of critical importance to the interests of the head: Romania has to deal with TV in general of terrestrial digital and of course the relationship with Sky. One area in which the latter provides the former socialist editor for years at its best, reducing advertising and raising taxes to the main competitor of Knight, delaying as much as possible its entry into the DTT and imposing Rai to obscure the many events that sent the first satellite to get by hook or by crook to give viewers the pan terrace and favor the terrestrial decoders.
Since June 2007, city planning commissioner in the town of Monza, where he was criticized for favoritism toward the family estate ... Berlusconi!
Its activities and Deputy Secretary has been punctuated by controversy over the alleged side effects compared to Mediaset.
Among the actions complained:
lobbying (agreed with that of the chairman of Mediaset, Fedele Confalonieri) to prevent Sky to get the European Commission and its commissioner Joaquim Almunia an exception to participate in the auction on the old and new frequencies. The intervention of the Romans and Confalonieri have caused irritation of Almunia.
draft of a new super-phone network, launched together with Vodafone and Wind and left the post. According to La Repubblica the objective would be to equip its own network Mediaset, separating and acquiring ownership of Telecom's network. Romans would have maneuvered unsuccessfully to replace Franco Bernabe with a friend, Stefano Parisi of Fastweb, then, would have required a consultation with Francesco Caio, which concluded with the recommendation to separate the network and split it between all operators. Romans would then schedule the action along with Dick and Confalonieri, unaware of Telecom, but the operation was stopped.
the proposals originally contained in the decree Romans start 2010 on cinema, television and websites, and expunged from the final version (the decree was intended to transpose a European directive on audiovisual). Among these, the so-called gag the web and measures of "protection of minors", as the sms that would alert parents that the child was browsing a site hard, Romania has been criticized here for his past Director of Channel 7 Lombardia.
permission to occupy the Mediaset channel 58 for digital high-definition, considered a gift to a private (September 2010)
be emphasized that, as Deputy Minister, Paolo Romani is tireless, it is time to get a seat less prestigious but also very functional, the commissioner of the Expo 2015 at the town of Monza.
Someone whispers that his desire to do is dictated by the need to fix a problem that is very dear to the Prime Minister, ie to establish a 'variant', which allowed the doubling of the value (40 to 90 million €) a property of the brother of Knight, an area of \u200b\u200b500 thousand square meters that the Cascinazza. "He was a thorn in Berlusconi's" calmly explained the deputy commissioner.
remain vacant seats of the Secretary of State (predecessor Paul Gaiaretta) and deputy (predecessor Sergio D'Antoni) economic development.
George Napolitano has countersigned the appointment of Paul in Romans Minister of Economic Development during a ceremony at the Quirinale which 'appeared to the present cold and dismissive. Formalities', reduced to a minimum, they lasted a few minutes, the time to read the oath. Berlusconi and 'submitted on time and waited in standing together with Gianni Letta and the minister candidate.
appointing Comments: have to see if it still exists in the Ministry of Development that has been done in five months apart nell'incuria general along with real problems which are called work, economic activities and productive, "said Secretary of the PD, Pierluigi Bersani . "We'll see if there is a minister who can take care of business crisis." Ironic remarks by Pier Ferdinando Casini (UDC): "I would have preferred Fedele Confalonieri - president of Mediaset, ed - both for his knowledge of the business world, both for his knowledge of the world
TV» . For the IDV group leader in the House Massimo Donadi , "with the Romans are the triumph of conflict of interest. Berlusconi not only gave us five months to appoint a new minister, but chose the man who was the military arm of Mediaset in institutions. The man to whom he entrusted the protection of its interests in the ether, now deal with the broadband and television frequencies. " Umberto Bossi commented that perhaps instead of vice minister of the former director of TV Lombard, it would be desirable to drive a Ministry "perhaps one that gives certain guarantees, such as ... the job."
I began by saying that Silvio has found the right man, but for whom?
PS: there is now a minister, who sin in these months the ministry has been quietly but inexorably
- 2011, the maneuver has stolen 900 million endowments,
- Fas and EU funds have been transferred to the Minister of Regional Affairs Raffaele Lease ,
- the approximately 800 million fund for tourism are passed directly under the management of Michela Vittoria Brambilla ,
- Institute for Industrial Promotion has been deleted.
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