Hello people that ride, we braved the cold but finally we managed to make an exit in the company, we have not done so strerrato but we had fun, we hope that on Wednesday he gives us a milder day even though I have my doubts.
present Discacciati, Mastellaro, Ferri, inserted, and Magni. During the trip we crossed Moiana Telf and engaged in a foot race near Senna Comasca.
I wanted to thank our DS last week ended the last round for sports administrators, I served as an athletic trainer, assisting them in my transformation from athlete to a president to return home via bike como Bisbino in a splendid sunny gionata nicola ........ I recommend not trying to get my clothes because there never will enter, not even the hat you're lucky. On a sad note but necessary
......... condolences to those of our cycling friends ..................
hello as president ........
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